[-empyre-] might be of interest

these are 6 images and 5 vb executables - on love of god, thorns of god,
christography, crown of thorns, female body of christ, mumbled repetitions
of prayers, the executables - click on -

working on the dissolution of the image by language and vice versa -
problematic semantics, then trawling the equations for coherent production

Crown of Thorns and Love of God

at http://www.asondheim.org/portal

 Volume in drive C is HPNOTEBOOK
 Volume Serial Number is 709E-3C03
 Directory of C:\

11/15/2003  11:59 PM           135,168 crown1.exe
11/15/2003  11:27 PM           111,713 crown1.jpg
11/16/2003  12:03 AM           221,184 crown2.exe
11/15/2003  11:20 PM            76,968 crown2.jpg
11/16/2003  12:20 AM            69,632 crown3.exe
11/15/2003  11:21 PM           132,542 crown3.jpg
11/16/2003  12:34 AM           155,648 crown4.exe
11/15/2003  11:22 PM            57,909 crown4.jpg
11/16/2003  12:39 AM            98,304 crown5.exe
11/15/2003  11:23 PM            48,403 crown5.jpg
11/15/2003  11:29 PM           199,600 crown6.jpg
              11 File(s)      1,307,071 bytes
               0 Dir(s)   8,761,352,192 bytes free

I am on my way back to American belonging. I will belong to America.
I will revive America. I am on my way back to American reviving.


This archive was generated by a fusion of Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition) and MHonArc 2.6.8.